Let us know what URS Electronics can do for you in 2022!
/In case you did not have a chance to catch last week's email, here is the gist for your mind movies with some updated text.
It is 2022, and we ask - What can URS Electronics do for you?
We are asking our customer base if there are any products, services, and changes that you would like to see.
Here are some conversation starters:
Do our current hours (8AM - 4PM, M-F) work with your schedule or are we missing you?
Are we missing that one product or product line that you always need in a pinch?
What could we do to help make placing orders more convenient for you?
If you have feedback, please kindly send a note to sales@ursele.com email. This is not a catch all email that then goes through a labyrinthian process only to give you the discourtesy of an auto attendant. No! This email goes straight to a living breathing human being ready to respond to your inquiry.
In the meantime we would encourage our readers and dedicated fans to get reacquainted with our list of vendors and manufacturers (more info)
OEMs, contractors, government agencies, redistributors, students, veterans, circuit benders, junior engineers, armchair engineers, engineer engineers, people with moustaches, people without moustaches, hang gliding enthusiasts, cosplayers, llama owners, well-behaved llamas themselves...EVERYONE is welcome in our store front.
Come in and check us out. See why people call us Radio Shack 2: The Return of Radio Shack - although I am bias and think we are a wee bit different.
Again we want to implore you to let us know what URS Electronics can do for you in 2022!
*this message brought to you by URS Electronics, a subsidiary of URS Electronics Enterprises in association with URS Electronics Pictures LTD LLC INC. No animals were harmed in the production of this email. Good dogs are welcome in our store.