Get the enclosure you want modified and delivered to your specifications
/Consider how much easier it would be to place one order with us, saving your team time and money by leaving the heavy lifting to one of our trusted vendors be it Hammond Mfg., Bud Industries, Weidmuller, or Amerimation. They do the prep time, layout, drilling, tapping, cutting, painting, assembly, and any extra product handling allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of your project.
We have an extensive track record delivering high quality value-added services to numerous OEMs and we are confident we can deliver the best in factory quality modified enclosures to move your project forward.
Check out what our vendors have to offer by following one of the links below:
Hammond Modification Services
Bud Industries Electronic Enclosure Modifications
Weidmuller Modified and Assembled Enclosures
Once you have explored our vendor options and are ready to develop a customized enclosure, call us at (503) 233-5341 or email us and we will assist you.
A sample of custom enclosure setups via Hammond Mfg.