DIY Bling Your Thing Kits


We have illuminated kits for sale so everyone attending this year's Portland Winter Light Festival can participate. There is still one more workshop happening, but if you cannot make it, be sure to pick up a kit from us before the festival on February 1-4.


DIY LED Cloud Pin

The kit includes:
1 Changing LED bulb
1 Cell battery
1 Pin back
1 Cloud material
10+ Beads for rain

You'll need:
Needle & Thread (for some kits)

How to create your cloud:

1. Cut out a cloud from the white material
2. Test out your LED. The longer end of your LED is the positive (+) side and will go on the flat side of your battery - it also has a + symbol on it
3. Glue the positive side of the LED to the positive side of the battery. Leave the negative prong bent away from the battery
4. Glue the positive side of the battery to the cloud
5. Glue the pin back to the negative side of the battery
6. Add beads for rain! Decorate however you'd like!

Your cloud should now light up and be ready to wear! To turn your cloud on and off, move the negative prong against or away from the negative side of the battery. If you want to keep it secure, you can use some tape to keep the LED on.

Have fun!


LED PCB Board Kit

With this DIY kit, you can attach your light to anything. 

The kit includes:
1 Changing LED bulb
1 Cell battery
1 Cell battery holder
1 Mini switch
1 Mini OSHPark circuit board

You'll need:
Soldering iron
Tools to use to attach your light to something (needle & thread, wire, etc.)

How to create your PCB Board:

Solder the switch, LED and battery holder. The LED is inserted in the front side of the board, with the longer side of the LED inserted into the + side of the circle.
The switch and battery holder are attached to the back, matching the white outlines of the board.

Once together, insert the battery. Now you can turn your light on and off. 

Front View

Front View

Back view

Back view

Turn it on

Turn it on

put it in your hair

put it in your hair

attach it to your sneakers

attach it to your sneakers

Need a basic tutorial on soldering? Check your online resources.


EL Wire Kits

Kits are available in either 5ft or 10ft lengths and come in different colors.

The kit includes:
1 EL Wire already attached to 1 battery pack
2 AA batteries

You'll need:
Something to attache the wire to
Black electrical tape to black out areas of the EL wire
Tape, wire, thread, or glue to attach EL wire

How to create magic with your EL Wire:

Use your imagination and create something fabulous!

EL Wire 4.jpg
EL Wire 3.jpg
EL Wire 1.jpg
EL Wire 2.jpg